Thursday, September 12, 2013



·         The average British woman owns over 100 items of clothing
·         Research shows women admit to having 10 items of clothing they have never actually worn
·         Women in the North West have the most unused items of clothing with 20% having more than 11 unused items
·         Women admit to wearing clothes a maximum of 10 times before throwing them away

We are a nation obsessed with the latest trends; we spend £63.7 billion* on clothes collectively each year, so it should be no surprise that the average woman owns over 100 items of clothing. However, despite the bulging wardrobes and options a plenty, research by Comfort Brights fabric conditioner reveals 10% of the average woman’s wardrobe is made up of clothes they have never actually worn.

Of the clothes they do wear, women admit to wearing them a maximum of 10 times before throwing them away, with the main reason for doing this being that once they’ve washed them, they never quite look the same.  Three quarters of women say if their clothes were to stay brighter and whiter no matter how many times they were worn, they would wear them again and again which is why Comfort Brights – a fabric conditioner specifically designed to help keep your colours and whites brighter and more vibrant– is on a mission to get the nation thinking smarter about their wardrobes with their ‘7 Days, 7 Ways’ campaign with leading fashion stylist Mark Heyes.

Mark Heyes says: “As someone who loves fashion, I know how easy it can be to get carried away with the latest fashion trends, but I also want to inspire women to embrace versatile and stylish capsule wardrobe pieces that will stand the test of time, especially if they’re well taken care of with products like Comfort Brights.”

According to the research, half of women say they generally buy cheaper clothes but more often. However, given the chance, a whopping 77% say if they could they would choose to buy fewer, on-trend but classic, staple items of clothing that are higher quality.

Mark commented: “Capsule wardrobes are proving a real trend, with celebs and even our very own Princess showing off how many great looks you can create with a few wardrobe staples.”

Mark Heyes’ Top 7 Style Tips

1.                  Be a savvy shopper. I know it’s difficult but sometimes taking a step back before hitting the till with an arm full of clothes is the sensible thing to do. It’s all too easy to be seduced by trends, colours and sparkles. The question is, are you going to wear those clothes when you get them home? Visualise what you already have in your wardrobe and work out what you’ll wear them with.

2.                  Quality over quantity. We all love a bargain, but sometimes a bargain just isn’t so. Especially when you either don’t wear it or it simply falls apart. When it comes to classic pieces, quality over quantity is definitely the way to play it. All of your classic pieces will be the core of your capsule wardrobe. For example, a crisp white shirt is a brilliant staple that can be worn in a hundred different ways. Just make sure you take care of them and use Comfort Brights fabric conditioner to help keep them looking newer and stylish for longer!

3.                  Recycle. Breathe new life into those pre-loved items, and give them a new lease of life. Try layering a bright neon vest under a sheer blouse or top, to bring it bang up to date. Or with the help from a friendly alteration shop, think about changing buttons on a coat or blazer for just a couple of pounds. The possibilities are endless.

4.                  DIY design. Get creative and make your own clothes and accessories. Think about attaching a necklace onto an old t-shirt neckline, popping some lace on the bottom of a top. Or if you’re feeling really adventurous, pick up a new skill like knitting or crocheting and make your very own hat, scarf or jumper!

5.                  Care for you clothes as you would your skin or hair. Clothes are made to last, and to do this they really need looking after. Give them a bit of TLC by using Comfort Brights fabric conditioner – it will help keep your bold colours bright and your whites super white; that way they’ll stay looking newer and fresher for longer.

6.                  Swap ‘til you drop. Set up a clothes swap with your friends or colleagues where you all bring in clothes you no longer wear. Seriously, one person’s ‘trash’ is another person’s treasure, you could find your new favourite outfit for free, and it feels great to have a clear out.

7.                  Shape up. Knowing your body shape is the key to successful shopping and dressing. If you’re apple shaped, meaning you carry weight on your upper half, then opt for bright colours down below. If on the other hand you’re a curvy pear shape and carry weight on your hips and bottom, wear brights up top and draw attention away from your areas of concern. In other words, let the colours do the talking and accentuate your best parts with them.

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