Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Zyliss Review - Nifty Tools for Roasting the Christmas Turkey

I love Christmas, I grew up as a child not being able to celebrate it as it was against my mum's religion. I escaped as a teenager and now Christmas is a happy and special time for me and my family.
Something I missed most not the  presents but the gathering together of family and sharing food.
So we have a traditional Christmas, real tree, turkey, stockings and more turkey.

A great big turkey dinner is the mainstay of our Christmas, I buy the biggest one I can get into my oven, it is a mammoth event just defrosting, preparing, cooking and then best of all eating. So any help I can get with this marathon is greatly appreciated.

Chris now shares the making of Christmas dinner, we both love working out what to cook, no sprouts they are banned and how best to manage the turkey, getting it as moist as we can for a large generally dry meat.

I pack the skin with butter, more goes into the cavity along with onions that steam inside. Then onions, celery and carrots make a trivet to further aid  moist meat.
Bacon rashers over the buttered breast foil packed then several hours of basting .

This year Zyliss will be helping me with this.
I usually use a ladle or spoon and this is a pain, trying to get between bird and tin to reach the juices is tricky, manoeuvring carefully with spoon without breaking the foil. The steam scalds and the fat splatters are just par for the course usually.

This year I have the Zyliss Turkey baster, RRP £14 all you spam bots looking for dodgy fertility methods, move along please and purlease stop sniggering in the cheap seats.

I always have passed them in the home ware department and sniggered, I had IVF  treatment so came across this homemade solution for pregnancy and as a result it kind of puts you off basters.
However my turkey needs are greater than childish smirks so here goes. We put it to the test on Sunday with a small chicken and its just brilliant, does what it should and being large will draw up lots of good juices come Christmas.

The interchangeable tips allow you to easily baste and inject marinades into meats, guaranteed to get your turkey succulent and bursting with flavour. With measurement markings and a uniquely designed cleaning brush, everything about this baster makes getting that golden turkey an effortless job. A unique stand also keeps the Baster level on your worktop surface.

I also received a Basting Brush its extra long so when dealing with a weighty Turkey there is no need to lift it out of the oven, you can baste where it is. The silicon bristles capture more marinade or fat to make for easier coating. When done the head is removable  so washes out much easier. RRP £9

The other fab Christmas dinner aid is the gravy  separator. RRP £13.50
Its a really good quality jug, lightweight plastic, lovely handle, a lid for storing any liquid in the fridge.
Extra feature is a strainer great for getting rid of large pieces of turkey meat,or skin. The fat separator works really well, plus its removable for easy cleaning.
All three Zyliss gadgets are really going to help with the festive fayre.


Ease the culinary load this Christmas and add a splash of stylish colour to the kitchen with Zyliss’ wide range of functional and innovative food preparation tools.

Guaranteed to offer a much needed helping hand over the festive season, the Zyliss range of reliable kitchen utensils has a tool for every job meaning there’s less time needed in the kitchen and more time to enjoy the festive celebrations.

Let Zyliss lighten the festive load with its range of nifty preparation tools that are guaranteed to help make the perfect Christmas roast, with all the trimmings.
For stockists visit
Or telephone
0870 160 1319

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