Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Heat Holders Review

Well winter is truly here in all its cold glory and its a time of year I used to love, I used to look forward to snow,but since suffering with Raynauds Syndrome, I dread it. So bad is it becoming it  affects my fingers if I use cold water or get food from the freezer. The chilled aisle sin supermarkets are very fast visits now, no browsing for me.

My feet really suffer and I am thankful for Heat Holders. They mean on frosty  and really wintry days I can go out without suffering. I used to have to wear two pairs of socks,this is very constricting.
We went to get our Christmas tree yesterday, its always a great day out, we visit a few farms that sell trees and sometimes even chop our our own down. Last year I had to abandon being out very long as my feet just start to pain me and Chris and I just grabbed a tree at the first stop.

This year my feet were happily encased in purple Ladies Long Heat holders, the soft fleece inside kept my feet perfectly warm. The frosty ground did not penetrate at all. We wandered around outside most of the morning,picked our tree and then carried on shopping for Christmas at little farm outlets.

What makes Heat Holders so warm is the 2.3 tog rating, its far higher than some good walking socks and being a walker and having spent rather a shocking amount on these, still to have cold feet I am happy with these. This thermal rating means comfort was guaranteed for me in fact its seven times warmer than most socks and I am confident to venture out this winter.

They make ideal Christmas presents for keeping feet toasty warm.
As the RRP for a pair of Heat Holders starts at just £7.99, they are perfect as a bargain buy that can be used time and time again. With Christmas round the corner they also offer a fantastic stocking filler for any member of the family! 


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