Thursday, January 13, 2011

Slendertone System Abs Review

I was asked to review the Slendertone Abs just before Christmas and I jumped at the chance with a mind to start in the New Year, have my last few blow outs and then get the six pack instead of the Party Four that seems hellbent on muscling in under my jumper. Just kidding its not that bad but I have lost tone around my midriff and sorely want a  reasonable looking middle.
Its seems to be true that you do get this thing called middle aged spread. I have never been one for diets, not into exercise, I do walk lots, cycle and am fairly active in general lifestyle but have never had to really bother about my shape until now.
The body has started to head south and I do not like it one little bit.

Due to all round family illness that's just been clinging on I have only recently started and I just wanted to give you my first impressions. 

Firstly its easy to do, I know that I cannot just expect a miracle and sit and have my excess flab go without looking at diet and other exercise, but the fact that I can watch Eastenders and get some definition to my stomach is good. I was most happy that you are advised to sit during the first session.

Use Slendertone System-Abs, five times a week.

There are 7 toning programmes (5 core programmes and 2 bonus programmes). Its recommended in the instruction manual you begin with programme one, the beginner level. The unit will automatically progress you through each programme up-to programme 5, which is the pro level. Arrgh sounds scary!!!

How it works is with each programme as you increase the intensity throughout the session, you feel the muscle contractions getting stronger. They recommend in the instructions the harder you work your muscles the better the results, however you should reduce the intensity where you feel any discomfort. The intensity range is between 0-99.

So how was it for me, well it tickled me I am not sure if that was the correct sensation but that's what I first felt, much better as for some reason I was expecting an electric shock, no idea why, I am a bit of a baby. After 20 minutes I did feel it had worked and the morning after as if I had done sit ups well I ached having not done too may abs crunches in my time.

I have used for the five days so far and I can see some difference already. It seems to be more noticeable on my sides and that makes me happy as I want to see the curve of my waistline again. So I am convinced this will be great after the four weeks that is recommended.
Sorry if you want pictures but it took me long enough to show my face on a blog!!

I can see me using this as a top up before holidays and to get toned for a wedding.
Thanks Slendertone its a very clever effective toning aid.
Now just need one for my face, bum and thighs!!

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