Friday, October 28, 2011

Skylanders Spyro's Adventure - Half Term in a Box

Its half term and the Autumn one because of weather can mean that a lot of activities take place indoors.
The lovely people at Activision offered our family the Half Term in a Box with Skylanders Spyro's Adventure.
Without needing to be asked again my family young to old all got very excited, me as much as anybody else.

Spyro has always been a popular character and a favourite game from the very beginning on our old Playstation, 1, through PS2 and now we are back with him again on the Nintendo Wii!!
Our Half Term in a box became even more special as we opened the box to find the game complete with the action figures from the game. A tshirt, stickers a kids newspaper First News, bag, poster and most exciting a Nintendo Wii to play it on!!

Skylanders Spyro's Adventure is a spin off from the beloved Spyro adventure, its upped a notch as the game also is interactive with playing figures and a portal, I find this ideal, I can't remember how many times I've said to my children, "Get off the console and play with real toys for a while!"
This new game gives the best of both. A video game crossed with action figures!

The game comes in a big box with a really exciting selection of figures, trading cards. 

The figures are Spyro who looks rather fierce, Trigger Happy with a pair of gold weapons who we remember from other games, Gill Grunt with an amazing harpoon. The figures are very well made and part of a range of 30 action figures to collect.

There is a portal for the characters to stand on and this is synced with the game. Batteries included for the portal, way to go Activision, this attention to detail stops that disappointment when opening this and wanting to play straight away, then arrrgggghhh, no batteries in the box or house!

Set up is relatively easy, you need to have the portal near the wii. The usb from inside the portal is inserted into the wii first, the online guide is simple. You have to add your chosen figure onto the portal and Spyro just had to be first.

The memories come flooding back as Spyro arrives on the screen, he looks meaner at first glance both in figure and on the TV, but then as play gets under way we realise he is just the same lovable dragon, he is introduced to the villagers who are locked behind gates and Spyro has to find the keys to unlock the gates and release them, then King and Queen.

As usual you learn all the moves, funny charging at turtles to remove them from bridges then positioning them to use as stepping stones.

At certain points during the game you are introduced to different places, one is water where you have to replace Spyro with Gill Grunt. Then another area where a more powerful Trigger Happy and his golden guns are needed.

What I like is that though the game is for seven years up, the humour in the dialogue is clearly aimed at adults too. Some funny satire and sarcasm kept us entertained.

What made us laugh out loud was the familiar daft sheep are about but leap of cliffs at given moments and warnings are given that the sheep area actually more sinister.

The baddies that attack in the first level are chompies with big bad teeth, the characters as with original Spyro games are great. The added dimension of the portal, with character changeovers make this so enjoyable.

A massive family thumbs up. I can see the figures becoming very collectible, they are very well made. This is so playable, the whole family has been entertained.

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