Friday, March 30, 2012

Bob Martin FleaClear Review

All new FleaClear - effective and affordable

....If I told you that cats and dogs catch fleas – you would not be surprised....
....If I told you that FleaClear uses Fipronil, the same active ingredient as Frontline, but costs a fraction of the price – you would be surprised....

I have no hesitation recommending Bob Martin products, I use the Spot On on Alfie and I have not seen a flea ever. I just add the date to the calendar and apply every eight weeks.

Its no fuss to do, and as Bob Martins have pointed out as effective as the dearer Frontline.

I cannot afford for Alfie to get fleas. Never mind the bites and irritation to him, I have a terrible reaction to a bite, in the past my last dog and I would suffer terribly. She would be off to the vet as she suffered an allergy to the nasty little critters and my legs would be swollen and look terrible.

An effective product that keeps Alfie and I happy and protected.

Here are five more surprising facts about FleaClear:
  1. You don’t need to go to a vets or pharmacy to buy FleaClear
  2. It is available at all major supermarkets and pet retailers
  3. A single treatment costs as little as £4.50
  4. Fleas will stay away for up to 5 weeks for cats and 8 weeks for dogs
  5. If used regularly pets can remain FleaClear all year

Here are five surprising flea facts:
  1. Two-thirds of pet owners have used a flea treatment in the past two years*
  2. The flea most commonly found on cats and dogs is the Ctenocephalides felis (cat flea)
  3. A flea will live for 2-4 weeks in adult stage when it is feeding (on pets)
  4. Females lay approximately 40 eggs per day
  5. 63 species of flea are found in the UK. About 10 of those could be found in homes

FleaClear, launched by pet healthcare specialist, Bob Martin, is as safe and effective as products available from Vets or Pharmacies and can be easily purchased as part of the weekly shop at major supermarkets and pet stores.

For more information or to view the full range of dog and cat products please visit

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