Friday, August 2, 2013

Limited Edition Royal Baby packs - Persil Non-Bio and Comfort Pure

To celebrate the birth of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s new baby boy, Persil Non Bio and Comfort Pure are for a short time selling special packs, now I consider I have raised a prince and princess, it was hard going at times, manners are key to raising happy children, I am glad I did this, my two make me proud when I see them eating out and when we go anywhere they behave well.

Paige recently attended a very highbrow evening, she knew how to behave, which cutlery to use etc. 

Now this is not the be all of good parenting, but if you can take your children out to your local restaurant chain and they don't play up, its more of a relaxing meal for you and certainly for other diners.

Comfort Pure and Persil NonBio are  also working with royal etiquette expert, Jean Broke Smith, to create a ‘Guide to Raising Your Baby Like a Royal’ which includes advice on communication etiquette, bath time, bed time and feeding time, as well as some touching anecdotes.

I had the opportunity to ask Jean some questions.

What is your top tip for raising a royal baby, if you never teach  a child any other manners? I hope you have seen the tips on raising a Royal Baby on

Have you any tips on table manners for young babies and children, when do I start teaching this?

When out in a restaurant, how do I teach the children correct etiquette?  When they are little it is good to gently guide them with manners, as soon as they can manage utensils teach them how to hold a knife and fork, and sit properly. Make sure they don’t put elbows on the table, eat with their mouths open or shout loudly.

Don’t encourage games on mobile phones or hand-held computers at the table when in a restaurant with family and friends, and no running around or making a fuss with their food.

There are so many points to raise if you would like extra help. I do Petit Etiquette to help with children’s behaviour at home and outside the home. It is never too young for children to learn how to communicate with older people, and not cause embarrassment to parents and friends.

To see Jeans humorous  guide pop along to The Comfort Zone,my fave tip has to be 'Dealing with the Press

As we all know, once your little one arrives into the world people will be snapping away with their cameras and iPhones. So now is the time to decide whether you want your baby to be public-facing or not. Should you choose to, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook all provide valuable outlets to share your baby’s photos with close family and relatives, particularly those you see less often if they live far away. 

If you’d rather shy away from the public, set some rules with friends and family from the get go and ensure photography is strictly limited to the confines of a private photo album.

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