Tuesday, July 19, 2011

CLOSED Sea - Bands Review and Giveaway 46 Ends 31st July

As you may or may not know I was pregnant with twins, it took me a long time to have them, I had them by the miracle of IVF, it was the dream come true, my ultimate joy, but marred by morning sickness. For the first few weeks I was upbeat,  poorly but still elated with my luck, within literally 19 days of the embryos being implanted I was being violently sick and after a few weeks, there were moments when I hated being pregnant and bemoaned my lot.
For it wasn't just morning sickness, nausea and actual sickness plagued me afternoon, evening, middle of the night, there I'd be clutching a toilet or bowl and groaning, by the time I was five months and had a 40 inch waist this was unbelievably uncomfortable.

It continued throughout my second trimester, despite being told it generally passes after 12 weeks, into third and my very last day of being sick was as I was wheeled into the delivery room that last journey before birth had me heaving.

How I wish I had known the miracle of Sea-Bands as I do now. I know they work as pregnant friends have confirmed, alas I was not on the Internet then, few were so it was mags and word of mouth. I never came across them.

I can wholeheartedly guarantee these work though, Paige suffered from travel sickness from early on. We managed to lessen the chance with dry toast before a journey, an apple really does help, we even found it was less likely to happen if she sat on the left hand side of the car, don't ask me why and this was when she was a baby so it was not imagined by her at all. All these things did not always work though.
We had some horrific pulp fiction moments in the car, she was also known as (hope you are not eating while reading this, if so turn away now....)
the 'Vomit Queen' by the school. Nice name for my gorgeous girl I  think not.

When Paige was sick I was sick, I'm the worst Mum in the world when it comes to this cleaning up after a sick bout, give me any other disaster, I won't go on too much, but I can deal with most things life throws at me bar sick and mouldy potatoes.

It even got to the stage where we bought Febreze for the car to try and hide the smell from my nostrils, I now smell it and associate it with upset tummies and mine starts to go, told you I was bad.

Then we discovered Sea-Bands, Paige was 6 at the time and we never looked back, her age meant again it was not all in the mind.
We did our first trip to Cornwall without the sick bowl coming out, the first time ever and I can honestly say we never used it again. She is nearly over it now, they come out for long journeys and she puts them on herself.
We use them for any feelings of sickness, I have used them when just feeling decidedly dodgy and pop them on and rub the stud until the  nausea feelings subside.

I will leave you to read down and find out from Sea-Bands just how they work how to apply and then if you stay until the end, two of you will win a set of the Adult and children's Sea-Bands

The natural way to fight morning sickness!
Sea-Bands have been clinically tested and proven naturally remedy any type of nausea including morning sickness.

The Sea-Band is an elastic wrist band, which applies pressure on the Nei Kuan acupressure point on the wrist when you experience nausea. This is an effective drug free solution to alleviate even the worst morning sickness.

Clinically tested and a drug-free, natural remedy, Sea-Bands alleviate morning sickness, motion sickness, anesthesia, chemotherapy, and all other conditions that induce nausea.

Sea-Bands work by applying acupressure to the Nei Kuan pressure point, which naturally soothes the stomach and eases nausea. The Sea-Bands have a plastic stud on the inner part of the wrist band, which applies pressure while being worn.

Since Sea-Bands are all natural and drug-free, they can be worn at any time with no adverse side effects.

Sea-Bands Features

How to wear Sea-Bands Place your middle fingers on the inside of your wrist with the edge of your third finger at the bottom of your hand, at the crease of your wrist. Underneath your middle finger, you will find the Nei Kuan pressure point, in between two wrist tendons. You will be able to feel it by pressing down in this spot.

Place the Sea-Band on your wrist, with the plastic stud toward your skin on the Nei Kuan pressure point. Do the same with the other wrist band.

You should begin to feel relief within five minutes. If nausea worsens, apply pressure with your finger to the plastic stud.

Two followers will each win an adults and child's set of Sea-Bands  to do this is as simple as ABC.

A Follow my blog
B Comment on another review and tell me where
C Most important leave a name.
Bonus entries
You can do any or all of the following for bonus entries - just make sure you have done ABC first and leave me one comment per entry so that they're all counted !
1. My favourite reads are the ones that tell me about you.
So tell me anything, a joke, a tip for ladies anything you fancy just please don't say "Enter Me" it makes me snigger!!
2. Tweet the giveaway, here's one I made earlier or do your own, just let me know.
Win Adult and Children's Sea-Bands and stop travel sickness, morning sickness enter here http://tinyurl.com/3dfr5ce

3. Comment on another review leave me some extra comments on my reviews up to 5 and I'll give you a bonus entry for each one !
**Leave a separate comment for each one**
Ends 31st July
Winners must email their details within 7 days, after which all unclaimed prizes will be redrawn.

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