Monday, July 18, 2011

Starlettos Review

So ladies how many of you have done this, you pop on your stiletto heels so that you look tall and slimmer and then realise that the wedding or party is outside and then you spend the afternoon, trying to tiptoe over the grass, while looking elegant.
If its slightly damp your toes sink and you end up doing an impression of Mrs Overall (Julie Walters) from Acorn Antiques, hardly ladylike or willowy looking and worse after your calves start to complain at the awkward positions you have them in, you give up and let your heels sink into the mud. The stones and damp trash your heels, worse if they are material covered. Then your latest outfit accessory becomes great clods of turf. Hardly the look you intended when you set off for the day!
I have a gorgeous pair of slinky velvet boots, with very pointy toes and skyscraper heels also in velvet, worn once on grass and never to be seen out again as the damp and little stones took most of the material off the boots. I keep them because I can't really accept what happened to a £70 pair of boots after one outing,  I know I can't really wear them again as they looks scuffed and torn, but I live in hope of a repair solution, well I can hope! Any ideas gratefully accepted.

If I'd had Starlettos they would have been saved from ruin, alas I had not.
They come in a lovely little gossamer bag. Easily pop on to your heels and OK you would not want these on at an indoor event, but on grass they are perfect. The ones I was sent to feature are see through, shaped like a little star hence Starletto, they work by covering your heel. Your  heel fits in the centre of the star shape and the cushion segments  come up and around the heel, protecting it.
I was worried I may be off balance slighty but they are perfect on grass, as if they are not there, except they are caring for your heels. I think these are a very nifty little idea.

They fit any shoe with a 8mm-14mm width heel tip - be it shoe boot, stiletto or kitten.

Star shaped, lightweight and flexible Starlettos are both functional and of good design. Available in clear, crystal or colour, there will be a pair to pop into your handbag or, straight onto your shoes and prevent that one-wear ruin heartache.

Starlettos will love your new shoes and help keep them that way.

Available from Debenhams nationwide from £5.99

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