Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New Pro Swingball

“Swing” into action this Summer with New Pro Swingball®

As a child I loved Swingball we played a played it through long hot summers (Who remembers those as well??)
It was sometimes a little hair raising as the swingball could topple and you had to duck a lot.

Enter the new era of Swingball, I have just been putting one through its paces, well swings. Its a real work or art now as with all updated toys they are so improved. It has a real sturdy base that was my first impression, it stays upright even with two very energetic teens playing it.
Energetic is the word as its taller, for my height you have to leap a lot and its a fab fun work out too. The tennis balls are good quality and everything packs away neatly in the base. We took ours to Wicksteed park for the day with a picnic and it was great for the kids to have something to do while we relaxed.

Some toys definitely improve over time and Pro Swingball is one of them.

Remember one penny chews? Remember when adventure playgrounds really were adventurous and no one had heard of health and safety? Remember playing Swingball in your garden in the 80’s and 90’s with friends of all ages?

Times have changed; life is more challenging and now so is Swingball! The new Pro Swingball is here – with attitude! It’s stronger, tougher and so much harder to play!

It’s ideal for competitive adults and older children or those who just enjoy racket games.  With a larger base for stability and thicker tubing, the all new Pro Swingball is a whopping 1.75m high!  This means players have to hit higher (perhaps even jump!) and the larger coil means the game will last longer than ever before.

With the unique lid and base construction it allows all the game components to be stored inside and the integral handle makes it easy to pick up and play... anywhere!

It’s a perfect game for outdoor events and picnics.  It’s fun, interactive and challenging... and tends to bring out that competitive streak in even the most unlikely players!

We’re retro, and oh so cool…

Swingball is a classic household brand, with a heritage that stretches back nearly 30 years and is officially one of the top ten best-selling toys of the last 10  years.  Pro Swingball compliments the Swingball product range and says ‘Game, set and match’ to anyone who might think that Swingball has been resigned to the garden shed.  It’s a great outdoor game perfect for bbq’s, parties and taking on holiday!

How to play?

Play starts with the tether positioned in the middle of the All Surface Pro spiral.  With two players, each player takes turns to hit the ball, one player hitting the ball clockwise, the other anti-clockwise.  The ball flies around the pole and the tether moves up and down the spiral.  The aim of the game is to reach the top, or bottom of the spiral first.

Available from 11th May 2011 from with an RRP of £39.99.  Also available at Toys R Us, Amazon,, Argos, Costco, The Entertainer and Tesco

Swingball ® Owned, distributed and licenced by Mookie Toys

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