Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kenyan Tea Review

I am a bit of a teapot and drink gallons of tea, after a night out I have to have my cuppa, the kettle goes on the moment I get up each morning. I drink black, green and fruit teas.
I love Asaam, Ceylon, Earl Grey and now I am going to dabble with Kenyan teas which actually are a part of most teas here in Britain
 Kenyan Teas sent me three delicious blends with individual tasting notes and an essential tea brewing kit, so that I can create my own perfect cuppa. I also received some handy tips to make a perfect cup of tea.

Work on the quantities of 1tsp of loose tea for a single cup, plus one for the pot.
Steeping times will vary according to taste so try a little after two minutes or up to four for a stronger taste. I went for four I like a real good strength.
Tea blending is a personal process, so try the teas separately in small amounts before blending to determine which taste you prefer.

My first tea to try was the Kenya Marinyn G.F.B.O.P - Marinyn is grown in the highlands at an altitude of up to 9000ft, resulting in this strong, brightly flavoured tea with a sweet quality and fresh, crisp aroma. The tea has a coppery colour, and is brisk and lively cup with a refreshing bite.

I thought this one was ideal when I'm really thirsty it had a lighter taste than I expected. It was almost a forest like taste woody and sharp. Each sip seemed to improve my experience of the tea.

Second was the Kenya Estate Milima Leaf Tea This very rare, large loose leaf tea is a traditional orthodox tea with a bright liquor and a full, slightly malty flavour. It is aromatic, fruity and spicy with some sweet floral notes.  

My favourite of the three teas it is strong, well rounded and reminded me most of my usual Assam brew. It really is a rich satisfying taste.

Last but not least Kaamba Loose Leaf Tea – This luxury black tea has a very malty flavour with light hints of currant and a bright golden colour when served with milk. It also has high levels of antioxidants.

I liked the fruity taste it reminded me of in aroma and taste of lemon. So maybe my tastebuds need improvement.  Its another strong taste and a thirst quenching brew. The colour is really orangey too, I liked the strong aftertaste a really good flavour that lingered on my tongue for a while.

I did make a nice blend of The Kaamba with the  Milima and found it to be the best blend for me.

I've really enjoyed this taste review and learned a lot, I will definitely be looking at Kenyan teas more often.

Some suggestions:

For a strong, malty taste try blending Milima with a small amount of the Kaamba loose leaf tea.
For a fresh, crisp tea with an attractive bright colour blend Kenya Marinyn and Kenya Estate Milima Leaf Tea.
Try the Marinyn and Kaamba teas together to offset some of the malty flavour for a bright, sweetish flavour.
Kenyan Tea Farm

Tea has been grown in Kenya since 1903 and quickly thrived thanks to the growing conditions, climate and altitude. Tea is grown in both large plantations and smallholdings across 180,000 hectares with production reaching up to 390 million kilos per year. Today Kenya is the largest producer of tea in Africa and one of the world’s largest black tea producers.

Britain is famously a nation of tea lovers with many of us drinking up to five cups of our favourite brew each day. Nearly half of us drink popular blended tea brands, but do you know where your tea leaves come from? It’s a well kept secret in your favourite cuppa, but most likely it will be Kenyan Tea.

Kenyan Tea is at the heart of many of Britain’s favourite teas blends, making up the 12 million cups of tea we drink each and every day in the UK. We’ve asked around to find out what makes your perfect cuppa, and while milky tea is still our favourite it seems we’re getting more adventurous.

More are trying lemon or honey in a cuppa, while over a third of you are experimenting with the purer tastes of loose leaf, single estate and rare teas from around the world.

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