Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Gordon Ramsay Health Infusion Grill Review

I have trialled a few  Gordon Ramsay's kitchen gadgets and so far been suitably impressed, what strikes me most is the size and sturdiness of them, rather like the man himself.

I find that having the time and labour saving slow cooker, jug blender, tagine, have actually made me swear less, I don't think this applies to Gordon just yet!

The latest trial is the Gordon Ramsay Health Infusion Grill, it again is a lovely big grill, I like the cooking space, it is enough for six people.

Gordon says: “I’ve a passion for grilling foods, so my Health Infusion Grill combines a unique set of features to guarantee food that is flavoursome, healthy and quick to prepare!”

It was a great chance to try steak and the great feature is the floating hinge so when I cooked large pork chops it was no problem. it has a variable control so I could sear the meat first then I was able to turn down the heat.

The drip tray is large enough for the oil, I did find I emptied it half way through each time, more for my own worries of hot fat and interested puppy as it probably would have coped.

When it comes to the infusion part of the grill, this makes the grill a bit more special, its a channel running across the centre of the bottom plate hard to spot on the photo. This is where you can experiment with flavours for your meat or veggies, suggestions in the book are garlic cloves and your favourite herbs in olive oil. Or just herb leaves which dry out and then infuse into the meat or vegetables.

I gave it a go with coriander and grilled peppers, maybe not an obvious choice, but as my favourite herb, I loved it.

A nice dish is  sweet chilli and coconut chicken marinated for afew hours and despite usually baking a sticky chicken in the oven, a grill is healthier. It cleaned up well after, just needed extra soapy water.

Another nice meal was soy sauce added to the infusion channel for pork chops, I just placed the meat over the channel and cooked.
It definitely added the soy sauce flavour to the food. I want to try coconut milk in the channel with maybe a Thai spice coated chicken.

There is a handy scraper supplied for use during cooking and I used it to scrape the plates. I would like the plates to be removable to wash but I found they were easy to clean with my non stick scourer.

I love this grill, it seems to remove much more fat than if I cooked steak in a frying pan, I am not alone in giving it a high rating.

There are some great features to ensure great results every time, including: double curved grilling plates to allow fat to quickly drain away and collect in the drip tray – their shape also makes it easier to cook food like ribs.  The Health Infusion Grill also boasts a special quality non-stick Teflon coating to the grilling plates for better cooking, which are removable for easy cleaning.

Perfect for grilling an array of delicious family meals or dinner for friends, the new Gordon Ramsay Health Infusion Grill makes a great addition to any family kitchen and offers good value at £99.99.

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