Sunday, March 25, 2012

Herb Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

Herb stuffed pork tenderloin was exactly right for this cut of meat. The tender almost melt in the mouth pork, the stuffing running through the centre, giving a gorgeous fresh cream and aromatic taste.

I have bought tenderloin many times, always planning to make something special, then running out of time and chopping it up to make a casserole or curry.

I was determined to actually treat it well this time, as its the leanest and most tender of pork cuts , as such deserves a gentle treatment.

The recipe is inspired by a Delia Smith recipe, adapted as I was keen to use herbs I like, plus what I already had in. 

I tweaked the recipe here and there I made my stuffing first omitted the parsley and replaced with fresh rosemary and thyme.

It was served with Dauphinoise potatoes, I love making this very easy dish. The vegetables were baby carrots and parsnips scattered with cumin seeds and olive oil and roasted in the oven for about 25 minutes.

6-8 rashers of unsmoked bacon fat trimmed
softened butter enough to smear over the rolled joint.

25g butter
1onion finely sliced
100g mushrooms very finely chopped
small bunch of thyme
small bunch of rosemary
100g breadcrumbs from a crusty loaf
zest of a lemon
juice from half a lemon
1 egg
2 tablespoons of double cream
salt and pepper

Preheated oven Gas 4 180C Fan I guessed for mine at 160.

First I prepared the stuffing.

Melt butter in a thick based frying pan. Add the onions and fry on a low heat for about 10 minutes until soft, then stir in the herbs and mushrooms and cook on a slightly higher heat for 3 to 4 minutes. Cool slightly in a bowl, then add beaten egg and cream mixed together and the remaining ingredients, mix well. Season to taste and that's it!

OK now the tenderloin, slit down the long side so you have two halves, wrap in clingfilm and flatten out using a rolling pin.

Add the stuffing to one side of the meat, then place the other on top.
Smear in butter then cover with bacon tucking under the whole joint as best as you can.
Secure with string at intervals and cook for 1 hour.

Leave to rest  while you make the sauce.

 Delia's recipe suggests adding wine to the roasting dish juices, I did so and found it a bit overpowering for the meat, I suggest a little fresh stock instead, so add 1 tablespoon of flour to the pan, stir and scrape until you have a smooth paste then add 200-250 ml of wine or stock. Allow to boil then simmer to reduce.

Cut into thick slices and serve.
Then enjoy.

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