Wednesday, September 28, 2011 A New Website for Teenage Girls

 There is a new site,, which has just been launched for teenage girls to help them understand the changes they will go through when they hit puberty. It also helps parents and carers explain what's happening to them and how to manage their healthcare!

Now I had friends whose parents refused to tell them anything about puberty and did not allow them to any of the sex education classes. Move on to 2008 and Paige also had friends who were not allowed to attend.
I caanot imagine how scared these girls and boys must be at the changes going on in their bodies and not knowing if its normal.

Paige had a rough time for a year with one period then nothing for months, then irregular.
To not have me to talk to I think would have made here really anxious, as it was she was often worried.

A new way of learing about periods, puberty for girls and parents is at hand, hopefully some of the girls without support or knowledge will be able to find it here, even for teens that have advice will still find this so useful. Lots of tips and talk all in a clear and friendly way.

Becoming a teenager is a difficult time for children with both emotional and physical changes to their bodies happening at an increased rate during these formative years. But for girls these changes can be even more challenging with the onset of periods. That’s why Lil-Lets are working with educational specialists, National Schools Partnership (NSP) to deliver a flexible and in depth educational programme, which will be used in schools across the UK. 

Working in conjunction with NSP, and written with the assistance of PSHE (Personal Social and Health Education) teachers, Lil-Lets will be launching the ‘becoming a teen’ education programme in 3,000 schools targeting year five and six primary school pupils. Teachers will be provided with lesson plans and activity sheets focusing around the physical and emotional changes pupils will be noticing as part of the curriculum for PSHE and SEAL (Social & Emotional Aspects of Learning).

As part of the NSP activity, Lil-Lets launched, which uses avatar style characters to help explain what happens to a girl’s body when she starts puberty, what a period is, what products are available, the differences between these products, and how to use them correctly. It’s these little things that can make a difference and the website has been designed to inform girls by using interactive tools allowing the user to find out information with the guidance of the characters in a modern and appealing format.

Lil-Lets has also enlisted the help of top TV psychologist, Honey Langmaster-James, to answer a few questions that mums and teenagers regularly put to her ! Her website is

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