Tuesday, April 3, 2012

CLOSED LOGO Britains Best Selling Board Game - Giveaway ends 30th April

I am happy to be reviewing another Drumond Park board game, this one has been a fun past time. its called Logo and as you can see its all about advertising and  logos.

As we played around the board answering the questions to get to the Winning Zone, it caused a lot of conversation.

 Remembering ads that we used to love and forgotten, trying to remember the jingles and worse trying to hum or sing them!. Discussing out favourite food from a brand made us hungry, I suggest having lots of snacks available.

We all gave this game a thumbs up and I can see why its number one in the UK. 

Followers will have the chance to play the Logo game as the lovely Drumond Park have offered three of the games.

See below
We love our brands, and the logos that symbolise them. We’re even prepared to be walking adverts by wearing logos on our clothes, shoes and bags. Everyone in the family, young and old, can spot a Shell petrol station or a Burger King at 500 metres, just from the sign. And while we may not consciously realise it, we all know much, much more about these essential marketing emblems than we think.

That’s what makes LOGO, the brilliant, highly popular picture board game from Drumond Park (rrp £32.99) such a sure-fire winner. The game features recognition and knowledge questions based on hundreds of the UK’s best loved and most iconic brands – from the AA, Bird’s Eye and BMW to Walkers crisps and Wrigley’s gum. There are 400 question cards in three categories – 200 Pictorial, 100 Themed and 100 ‘Pot Luck’. Each Picture card features full- or part- logo images to identify, coupled with questions relating to the brand. The answers on the Themed cards relate to the headings, such as ‘Birds’ (eg Kiwi Shoe Polish, Penguin, Swan Vestas) and ‘Relatives’ (eg Aunt Bessie’s, Daddies, Uncle Ben’s).
Each player is making for the Winning Zone. Each round, the questioner picks a card and asks a player four questions about the logo or product pictured. For every correct answer, the player moves their piece around the coloured board. Progress is straightforward and speedy – everyone loves this game!

  • You’ve enjoyed Smarties for as long as you can remember, but which of the colours tastes different? The orange-coloured one – it’s orange-flavoured.

  • Which animal adorns the clothing of the French sportswear company Lacoste? What else could it be – but a crocodile?

  • Whose logo is a large red ‘S’ superimposed on a yellow shield? Superman, of course!

  • Which brand of battery has a copper-coloured end? Duracell’ will be on the tip of your tongue!

For stockists visit www.drumondpark.com

The lovely people at Drumond Park have teamed up with Given To Distracting Others and are giving three Logo Board games away.

Enter via the Rafflecopter below, if its not showing try refreshing the page.
Ends April 30th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Rafflecopter will do most of the work for you. Tweet, like and follow, making it really simple to enter!

For information on how to find the url of your tweet look at Competition Grapevine click here

Really want to win the prize? Come back every day for bonus entries via Twitter and Klout

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