Thursday, April 5, 2012


I am reprising this scrummy chocolate recipe as its deserves sharing.
It is a chocolate cake which in my mind is more a dessert, its ingredients on first look make you think it just wont work and the way it looks after cooking made me think I had failed as it was sunken.
But waiting for a day and I knew I had  stumbled on something close to divine!

The recipe uses cook and author Trish Deseine's chocolate, you can read about her here  It is also her recipe and I start with her very brief recipe and instruction, its as brief as the making. The wait to eat a little longer.




"Melt 200g Chocolate by Trish 64% cooks chocolate buttons with 200g pure, semi-salted butter in the microwave (honest). Add 180g sugar, stir a bit and let it cool before breaking 5 eggs into the melted chocolate one by one, stirring well after each one.

Then leave it alone for a whole day (sure you can). It'll taste better"
My first thoughts were what, melting in the microwave, would that overcook the chocolate and how many eggs? Only a tablespoon of flour? OK leave to cool down, but then leave alone for a whole day????
I was gobsmacked by how simple this was to prepare, all the while, I kept reading through the recipe on the sheet, imaging that the flour amount was wrong. This surely would be too liquid to work.
But as I added the eggs, it became thicker and more cake like, by the time the tiny amount of flour was added, it was proper cake mixture consistency albeit it not as stiff as some.
Into the tin and off to the oven, the heavenly chocolate aroma that filled the house as it was cooking had me by the stomach. One by one family appeared in the kitchen, drooling.
Then I watched crestfallen faces as I told them the cake had to sit for a day.

Well one day passed in agonising bliss, the cake looked good, smelled fabulous but I had to wait for that all important taste.  It was gooey in the middle as I finally cut into it.

Its heaven on a fork! The strong but sweet chocolate flavour, the soft mousse like light texture. Its an absolute chocoholics dream!
Its certainly staying in my recipe folder, its one of those wow courses for impressing dinner guests that will have you held in high esteem.
I thoroughly recommend this as the easiest chocolate cake in the world to make with the best taste I have so far come across!

Bon Appetit!

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