Friday, August 5, 2011


Two in five parents believe that buggy wrist straps should be legal requirement in the UK

Inventor of pram safety strap ‘BuggyTug’, Di Mayze has been talking to parents to hear their views on buggy safety and whether a wrist strap should be made a legal requirement on all buggies and prams sold in the UK, as is the case in Australia. The resulting feedback from parents is loud and clear – they would definitely like to see more safety measures when it comes to the security of a child in a buggy or pram.

Of the 100 families surveyed, over 72% had either experienced themselves or knew someone that had experienced an incident of a pram starting to roll away after letting go for a split second. 74% said that their buggy or pram did not come with a safety wrist strap as standard, yet 77% said that they would feel more secure if their buggy had one. 47% believe a buggy should come equipped with a wrist strap and most tellingly, a further 40% even go as far as to say that it should be a legal requirement in the UK.

Di Mayze conducted this research following a horrifying incident in York a couple of weeks ago when three men had to jump into a the River Ouse to save a four month old baby after her pram rolled away and into the water, after her mum bent down momentarily to fasten her older child’s coat. The men heard the mother scream and rescued the baby, who was face down in the water and lifted her to safety before the unthinkable occurred. For the full story, see the York Press

Di says, ‘There are stories such as this happening all over the world, and it seems that many parents, including myself, believe that in the UK it should be a legal requirement for buggies and prams to have a wrist strap connecting the carer and the pushchair, as is the case in Australia. Following the results of this survey, I think it is time to start a campaign, and I am now investigating the correct channels to get our voices heard’

Di explains how BuggyTug came into existence, ‘After I had my little boy, I saw horrifying footage of a buggy rolling under a train in Melbourne and immediately started looking around for a strap and could not believe that one didn’t already exist. Very few buggy manufacturers include one as standard, and those that do only offer a something that is transferable to most buggy and pram brands, and comfortable and flexible enough so those using it barely notice it’s there, so I invented BuggyTug. I’m thrilled with the result, and I know from the many positive reviews I receive that those who use it feel that extra bit more reassured that their child is safe!
  It attaches (like a luggage tag) to any single handled pram and to the wrist of the carer ensuring two never become separated.
  • Comfortable
  • Easy to use
  • Made of neoprene so it’s super stretchy! Reaching into a changing bag or using the mobile is no problem at all!
  • RRP: £3.99
  • Stockists:; JoJo Maman Bebe; Amazon; Asda,; John Lewis & Kiddicare

Accidents with a pram that could so easily be avoided occur all too often and in recent years there have even been two documented incidents where buggies have rolled under a train. CCTV confirms that all it took was a split second of separation for those involved to be faced with the unthinkable. On both occasions there was, thankfully, a happy ending, but it could so easily have been different.

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