Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Australian Bush Flower Essences Review

One of my little background history lessons for you, as you know I love to learn something new about the background of a product and share what I find with you. This one I hope is helpful in realising why I'm reviewing Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABFE).

Flower essences are herbal infusions made from the flowering part of the plant, which uniquely address emotional and mental aspects of wellness. The first 38 flower remedies were formulated by a British physician, Dr. Edward Bach, in the 1930's, although new remedies from other plant species are now available as you can see here.

I remember these were looked on with scepticism in the early 80's I was recommended after a bereavement to take a rescue remedy for grief and I found it had a definite restorative feeling to my emotional balance.
This complementary therapy is now seen alongside well known medicines in many pharmacies and supermarkets. Aromatherapy is recognised as having great healing and restorative powers.

There are many flower essences for as many different emotional challenges. The first step is to decide which mental and emotional issues are most important for your health and wellbeing.
Based on your choice, you then select the essence or essences which correspond with these issues, it is said its important that the essence matches the true core need not just a surface problem.

 If well matched flower essences will help you to feel more alive and in touch with your goals, values, and creativity.

The Australian Aboriginals have always used flowers to heal emotions, as did the Ancient Egyptians. There is long history of flower essence usage in India, Asia and South America while, in the Middle Ages, their popularity across Europe was widespread.

The 12th century writer, composer and philosopher, Hildegard von Bingen and the 15th century physician, botanist and alchemist, Paracelsus, both recorded that they collected dew from flowering plants to treat health imbalances.

In the modern society, however, our needs are very different. Sexuality, communication and spirituality are, for many people, causes of acute emotional discomfort.

For this reason practitioners across the world are now integrating Australian essences into their therapies.
Flower essences give clarity to peoples’ lives and promote the courage to pursue goals and dreams. They help to develop a higher level of intuition, self esteem, spirituality, creativity and fun. The more the essences are used, the more people are likely to experience greater awareness and happiness in their life.
The lovely people at ABFE sent me the Space Clearing Skin and Mist spray,part of a  range of six essences in mist form with a base of pure botanicals and herbal extracts.
It is said to create sacred, safe and harmonious environments. Great for clearing tense situations and environments and restoring balance. It will enhance sacred space, clear negative and psychic energies
creates safe, harmonious environment and allows one to feel still and reflective.

I do not have any negative space at this moment but I found myself spraying a fine mist on my pillow and face and I felt easy and relaxed.

Australian Bush Flower Essences is the trading name of Bush Biotherapies Pty Ltd, which researches and produces flower essences for emotional health and wellbeing.
The business, founded, and run, by naturist Ian White BSc, ND, BM, a fifth generation Australian herbalist, is based in New South Wales, Australia.
Flower Remedies are not new.
Australia is home to the world's oldest and widest range of healing flowers which, along with its relatively low pollution levels, makes it a rich source of natural healing products.
Ian White – Founder of Australian Bush Flower Essences
Ian grew up in the Australian bush where, as a young boy, his grandmother, like her mother before, used Australian plants and often would take him bush walking. From his grandmother, Ian learned much about the many healing plants and flowers, developing a profound respect for nature. From here, Ian went on to become a practitioner and a researcher of the rare remedial qualities of Australian native plants.

The Australian Bush Flower Essence products are available across four ranges.
Australian Bush Flower Essence Drops
A range of 17 essences, each with a specific application, to promote wellbeing in the whole family.
Australian Bush Flower Essence Oral Sprays
Three popular essences, Emergency, Calm and Clear and Woman, formulated for easy oral administration.
Body Love System
Body Love Organic Essence Skin and Space Mists
50ml product with RRP of £14.95 and Space Clearing Mist 100ml with RRP of £19.95.
Body Love Organic Essence Moisturisers

Five moisturisers providing all the benefits of their flower essences while moisturising the skin. Can be applied to the face, hands or all over the body.
Australian Bush Flower Essence products are marketed and distributed in the United Kingdom by Planet Health UK.
With RRP of £15.95.

For more information

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