Monday, July 11, 2011

My Tuxedo

Well all I can say is thank goodness prom comes around once a lifetime for me,

Having twins, a boy and girl, its been a challenge to get them both kitted out so they are feeling really dressed up and looking fabulous but still keep a check on the cash flow. Double trouble for my purse again!
Paige had her dress  altered and then  at the cleaners for a finishing steam. Her silver shoes and bag were bought. Hairstyle and nails as extras.

Conor was actually the most challenging, boys are notoriously either not bothered by fashion at all of very particular. A friends son went two days before the prom to get a suit, no, not with his Mum but with a mate.

Conor is one of the latter, he wanted just a suit first then he wanted skinny leg trousers, no bow tie and he ummed and ahhed over a few styles.
MyTuxedo came to my complete rescue, they cater for men and boys and sell the outfits at a price so close to a hire suit you would be mad to actually rent one. They can supply all the accessories, cuff links, bow ties, shirts the works. No running around shops, no teen strops just a seamless order and fast delivery.

Conor is famous now for saying, "I'm not wearing a Tuxedo!" I said just look at the styles, he said " Fine but I'm not wearing one!" Looking at the websites pages after a few, he said "Now I would wear that one!" pointing to the image below

Me " But that's a tuxedo Conor!"
"No its not"
"Yes it is!"
Conor " Oh well that will do then!"

The sizing guide is very helpful and you have lots of sizes to choose from. Conor is wiry and I was sure the trousers would fall off or the jacket drown him, but they were a great fit. The quality of the items was high, stitching and finish perfect.

The tux arrived in a large box, all the accessories neatly packed, I had used the sizing guide and amazed that I got it right for jacket and trousers they were a perfect fit. The shirt was very large considering it was sent according to the same chest measurement as the suit jacket. I could have reordered but I chose to nip and buy one, a prom Mum has a lot of pressure on.

So to the main event, how did my Conor look  on this their last event of his school life.
Well I am biased but I think he looked amazing. Thanks MyTuxedo!! 

Spot the phone which I asked him to put down for a few seconds to take a photo, you would think I had asked him to give up eating or a limb maybe!!
Seconds later its back attached to his hand, the relief clearly evident!!

I most highly recommend for all your proms, weddings any special occasion, you check out MyTuxedo for a great choice, helpful sizing, speedy delivery, great  prices, oh and afterwards best of all you get to use the tux or suit for new events.

If you take a look now they have a sale on too!

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