Thursday, April 28, 2011

Closed Win Anatomicals Sleep Masks Review and Giveaway 35 Ends May 15th

I laughed out loud when I saw the latest  Anatomicals Sleep Mask range, realistically and refreshingly marketed and I have so many friends I could buy these as prezzies for.
I received one of the two new real silk sleep masks, the I am Woman Hear Me Snore sleep mask. The reason I laughed out loud was not the name of the mask, amusing as it is, it was the back of the box.
It says

Women don't sweat, they glisten. Women don't fart, they expel odourless and discreet windy pops. Women don't belch and burp in the company of others, they politely excuse themselves and go outside, whereupon they gently hiccup. (Where are we here, the 19th century)? And women definitely don't snore, they... in fact, they do snore. Very loudly as a lot of their male sleeping partners will attest. But ladies, where's the shame in it, when you can now lay down those Richter registering zeds while wearing this incredibly stylish 100% silk sleep mask? Grief what's that smell? It seems women do actually really let rip too, and how. Can someone open a window round here?

The mask itself is a glorious shocking pink that you won't see much of hopefully as when I tried it it blocks out all light and you will be snoring silently and blissfully dreaming!
Come on who am I kidding, I believed that I did not snore, luckily Chris sleeps the sleep of the dead, he has that annoyingly lucky skill of dropping off with in seconds and awakening at the alarm so he has never heard me, but while in hospital a couple of years ago a nice old lay in the opposite bed told me I sounded like a piglet snorting for its mother!! Charming!

Its great if  you are light sensitive and also for those on night shifts too, mums who need to nap while their baby is napping in the day will find this a godsend!

The other mask is fabulous too read all about it below. Then scroll down further as one of you lucky followers will win a set of each of the two masks.


Has the current credit crunch, screaming kids, a beast of a boss and a nagging partner has left you feeling stressed out, less than chirpy and longing for a good night’s sleep?
Join 1000’s of men, women and celebrities (before you scream or fall asleep in your cornflakes) by covering your eyes with the latest bedroom, bathroom or flight buddy from Anatomicals, the company that only wants you for your body.

Devoted to helping you get a good night’s sleep, this silk sleep mask will block the light, so you can get your zeds without being disturbed. So what you waiting for? Get snoozing and wake up feeling re-energised and raring to go.
To win you will have to tell me what in the world has you nodding off and don't forget your contact details a Twitter id or email.
Its a random draw so don't stress if you just want to enter the giveaway by saying "Add me" that's fine too!
You can have a second chance to win by commenting on another review post.


Win One 0f Five NIP+FAB Frown Fix's
The giveaway ends on May 15th
Uk followers only
The winners have a week to contact me to claim the prize and then I will redraw.

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