Wednesday, September 15, 2010


While I sat thinking how yucky this topic is, I was left with the knowledge that there are times when a dirty job needs doing, a baby gets bunged up often with the sniffles and until you can teach them about blowing their noses you have to sometimes take on the gruesome task of clearing their noses.

I will not go into too much detail, I will let the makers of the fab new tweezers Cleebo do that.
No laughing in the cheap seats please and please don't try to pluck your eyebrows with them!

Mums will do anything for their little darlings, but when snot strikes, the task of trying to remove it quickly and safely can send even the most dedicated parent into a flap. Thankfully help is now literally at hand.

New research released today to mark the launch of Cleebo, a specially designed bogie-clearing device, revealed that 27% of parents are faced with removing bogies from their child’s nose as often as three times a week and more than 80% admitted to using potentially dangerous instruments, such as cotton buds, tweezers and pencils, to do the job*. According to the survey, 4% of parents have even resorted to sucking out the particularly stubborn, hard-to-reach bogies.

Developed by parents Bola and Chigusa Lafe in consultation with a consultant paediatrician, Cleebo is a pair of uniquely-shaped soft, plastic and medical grade silicon tweezers that carry out the bogie-clearing operation with ease. Designed with both mums and little ones in mind, Cleebo features a host of safety features including specially designed end tips with safety ‘wings’ which prevent excessive insertion.

The tweezers come with a range of five brightly coloured end tips aimed to stimulate interest from the child, making the mucus-clearing job a more fun-filled experience. These can be disposed of after each use or cleaned in a dishwasher or bottle steriliser and re-used, making them 100% hygienic.

Registered GP Dr Sarah Brewer comments: “Parents often resort to poking cotton buds, hair tweezers or even sharp finger nails in their child's nose to help relieve the misery of mucus congestion. These measures are not recommended. While saline drops can help liquefy runny nasal mucus, this is often intrusive and of little use for clearing those dried, hard-to-reach, bogies. Dried bogies make breathing through the nose difficult and noisy, as well as looking unsightly and can continue to be an issue for the parent and child until they can blow their own nose. Cleebo helps a parent clear these dried bogies quickly and efficiently - it's a surprise no-one ever invented them before.”

Cleebo designer and dad of four year old Angelina, Bola adds: “As a parent I’ve had to remove bogies from Angelina’s nose on several occasions and the job is never a nice one – for me or my daughter. When babies are very small with a blocked nose, it can be really frightening listening to their breathing - in fact 32% of the people we surveyed said this is a big worry for them - so we wanted to produce a safe and effective way of removing the mucus.”
Cleebo is priced at £9.99 and available from

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