Friday, February 18, 2011

Alan Coxon cooks up a Perfect Paški Sir Souffle! Win a Cheese Wheel

Alan Coxon cooks up a Perfect Paški Sir Souffle!

You may remembering me telling you about the Paski Sur that won massively at the World Cheese Awards here
Well here is a chance to win a big wheel of cheese and learn some fab facts on their blog.

Following Sirana Gligora's unprecedented success at the World Cheese Awards in November where our Paški Sir Cheese won 3 Super Gold Medals and the Best New Cheese Trophy, celebrity chef Alan Coxon cooks up a perfect Paški Sir Souffle which kick starts our latest competition for a lucky reader to win a full wheel of award winning Paški Sir worth more than £75 at retail.

We use the blog to show our fans and customers exactly where Paški Sir comes from and how many people are involved in the production process, it's more than just the dairy that's involved in the cheese making as the whole community benefits from this great cheese. Weather its through direct employment, though sustaining more than 150 local family farms or from a result of tourism when during the summer season hundreds of tourists flock to the village of Kolan to tour the dairy for themselves.

With this series called 'From Ewe to You' we're hoping to show our readers exactly what it means when they buy Paški Sir, or any other artisan cheese for that matter. How many people are involved in the production of just one wheel, the hours of labor and dedication that goes in to production and of course the customer is very much involved in that, this particular wheel that we are following will go out to one lucky reader to complete the story and I hope they will send me some great pictures of the cheese for the blog. By buying Paški Sir, they will help to sustain the traditional practices of sheep breeding on the island which is in danger of reducing as many of the next generation move away to seek work and opportunities in the cities.

I was talking to Mr Gligora about this and he said Pag sheep milk is already very expensive for us to buy at around €1.50/liter but he will have to give serious consideration to rising the price at some stage in the future to encourage more young farmers to continue in their families sheep breeding practice.

The latest in a series of posts on our blog follows the cheese making and curing process of Paški Sir in 'From Ewe to You' with the cheese in question up for grabs once its been fully matured. Our readers can learn much more about the cheese making process and in particular where Paški Sir comes from. To take part, all you need to do is subscribe to the blog and keep a look out for details once they are posted.

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