Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Parissa Smooth Skin. Clean and Simple.

My Granny had a saying Ne'r cast a clout before May is out! and growing up I was told this whenever I arrived in any dress other than winter woolies.
In case you are wondering what it means, its simply keep your cardies and thermals on until May as it may get cold at any time.
However I am pretty warm blooded get hot in winter and I start to think about getting my legs ready for warmer weather as soon as I feel the spring sunshine.
I do tend to address another overgrown area, the what is now known as a lady garden, I like this phrase, don't you think its a rather genteel and a politer term for your feminine parts?
 I have tried a good few waxing methods, I do tend to do my own hair removal, one in an effort to save money. Last time I attended a salon, I got charged £13 for my eyebrows and hardly had any left to raise when I was told the price!!!
So when offered Parissa for review, I happily accepted. I was sent  the Strip Free Hot wax and scarily comes with a little round metal pan for heating up the wax , the wax is already in.

I say scarily as I am known for being messy when it comes to beauty regimes I am a bit of a nightmare. I once got wax on my hand and forgot and rested palm on my thigh, it did not need  hair removal as the hair was blond and fine. Ouch!! Have been known to get wax on the duvet, towels, loo seat, good job there is not a cat in the house.
I also have put depilatory cream on my bikini line, got bored staying still, bent to reach a mag and it was all over my stomach down my legs see scary!
Wit the Parissa the instructions are clear and easy, I did get in a bit of a mess with it dripping,  so giving in and  reading instructions properly I  found  the tips and it said to wipe spatula on the pan.
  The Azulene oil works well, why its blue, I am not quite sure. It cleans the traces of wax very well.

It is fab for moving hair properly and cleanly though, possibly the best. I did my middle brow   found I had a few raised bumps but these cleared after an hour.
Its better for face areas than using wax strips it gives a better finish.
I think using the pan method once I get better at it will be easy.
The pan after use may double as a perfect poached egg pan after, sorry my green instincts coming through!


The strips for leg and body are good, they work well easy to use, the Azulene oil still helps to remove any bits left over and also leaves my legs very glossy looking, it says that it is great as a moisturiser between waxing so will be giving it a go.

Azulene Oil Aftercare (£7.99), the piece de resistance in the Parissa range will add a wonderful gloss and lustre to your legs. Azulene Oil Aftercare soothes and moisturises skin after any type of hair removal and can be used as a daily moisturiser in between waxes. Azulene, the active ingredient of chamomile, is enriched with Vitamin E to soothe skin directly after waxing and to boost cell regeneration.

When used daily, Azulene Oil Aftercare can help eliminate ingrown hair and promote long term smoothness. Conveniently in a spray bottle, the oil repairs dry feet, legs and elbows too as well as preventing stretch marks and hang nails. Alcohol and fragrance free, glossy healthy legs really are top priority!

There’s really no need to worry though as Parissa use only natural ingredients meaning that the products are kind to your skin and there are no harsh chemicals to irritate sensitive types.
The products are easy on your conscience too as Parissa ensure that all bunnies remain full of the joys of spring. The natural, PETA approved ingredients are biodegradable and pollutant free whilst the packaging is recyclable and also made from recycled materials.

Parissa products will leave you with fuzz free, silky smooth skin for up to eight weeks
The comprehensive range of natural products offers something for everyone. De-fuzz and bring some new life to your pins with easy to use, pre-loaded Wax Strips for Legs and Body (£10.99)

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