Wednesday, February 2, 2011

EasiYo Mousse

Just as I was trying the Easiyo Icecream, I was also asked to try the very new Easiyo Mousse Mix it has two flavours chocolate and vanilla. I have added a mini pictoral guide to making, again as with all EasiYo products its a doddle to make.

First you need a packet of Easiyo Custard Style yogurt made in the EasiYo maker as instucted.

Then you take 300 ml of the chilled yogurt mix and add to a medium sized bowl, sprinkle the contents of the mousse mixture on top  and start to beal with an electric whisk. You can use a hand held whisk also

This is what it looks like after two minutes.
Then hey presto it get really big!!!!!

Spoon into individual serving bowls and chill for at least an hour.
It did look this light, I would have loved it to be a litlle more chocolatey personally it is incredibly light and you can taste the custard style yogurt.

The good news Paige is incredibly fussy about sweet things and desserts, more a savoury girl and she adored it.

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