Monday, February 7, 2011

vertese Skin, Hair and Eyes Supplement

Lift your looks with Skin, Hair and Eyes

I did used to look at these supplements and feel its a bit like a petfood advert.

For glossy hair and shiny teeth buy....
But having tried vertese I  did find it to really give me a boost inside it felt as well as out. My hair has had that lacklustre look as it so often does in winter and after finishing the course, it does seem shinier and somewhat stronger.
My skin feels an looks a little plumper as for my eyes I have not overly noticed a difference, but I do feel I have benefited from the course of vitamins and minerals.
I would like to take this just before going on holiday for a boost to my skin.

vertese has launched ‘Skin, Hair and Eyes’ a unique vegetarian and vegan friendly dietary enhancement developed to lift your looks from within.

We all feel that our appearance needs a bit of attention at times and vertese’s ‘Skin, Hair and Eyes’ has come to the rescue…

This combination of vitamins and minerals, is the first of its kind to focus on supporting the combination of skin, hair and eyes. Designed to maintain and support your hair, eyes and skin vertese Skin, Hair and Eyes is the perfect addition to your beauty routine, lifting your looks from within. It’s a great everyday premium supplement perfect to help prepare you for your day in the limelight such as a wedding or birthday or business trip when you need to be looking your best.

The capsules contain Vitamin C and Zinc, which may help to maintain healthy gums, a healthy immune system and facilitates the release of energy from food to support your metabolism. Biotin helps keep your hair looking healthy and Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant, which may be helpful in maintaining healthy eyes and skin. But most exceptionally this supplement contains Lutein, which provides nutritional support to help keep your eyes healthy and maintain normal vision.

· Available from £4.99 from and independent health food stores and pharmacies.

· The vertese range also includes Omega Oils 3, 6 and 9, Glucosamine & Flaxseed Oil, Evening Primrose Oil and Flaxseed Oil. All active ingredients in the range are derived from natural sources and all products are completely gelatin free and as such have been approved by the Vegetarian Society.

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