Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How much would you pay for a night's sleep?

I am a light sleeper, I think I am actually in the category poor sleeper, I just wake up at the slightest sound or sometimes even Chris turning and touching me (not like that you in the cheap seats!!)

I am not alone and when Kalms asked me if I wanted to cover this subject ( no  review products, just my opinion) I was happy to, I am though wanting to try their range as I need more sleep, at my worst I reckon I would pay £50 just to get back off and wake at lunchtime.
 They have a map on their site so you can see the region where you live and see if you have any sleepless neighbours.
In East Anglia where I live I was pretty staggered as 66% of my neighbours get less than 7 hours sleep on average per night and one in ten would pay over £100 for a decent night's sleep!

The Real Value of Sleep

Brits kept up by money worries and willing to put hands in pockets for a decent night’s sleep
New research* released today has found that Britain value their sleep so much that that 40 per cent of us would pay to get a decent night’s sleep if the alternative was no or very little - that’s almost 20 million adults***. One in ten stated that given the alternative, they would happily pay over £50 for a night of uninterrupted sleep, those with three or more children in their household are the most likely to hand over more than £100.

Money worries (25%) and work-related stress (23%) were stated as the main disruptions of sleep, keeping a quarter of us awake. Other culprits were family worries, and partner’s snoring, which also keeps 28 per cent of women awake at night.

The research, carried out by Kalms Sleep - the traditional herbal remedy which helps promote natural refreshing sleep - also discovered that if they were getting no or little sleep more than a quarter of women (26%) would swap a month’s worth of sex for just one night of decent sleep – twice as many as men. Whilst a quarter of men and over a third (35%) of women would forgo booze for a whole month.

To get a closer look at the breakdown of the findings for your region visit and check out our interactive map.
Lack of sleep makes everyday situations feel more stressful, making it even harder to relax and catch up on that sleep. Kalms Sleep and new convenient Kalms Night One-A- Night are traditional herbal remedies that help promote a refreshing natural night’s sleep – without causing drowsiness the next day. Both products contain herbs traditionally used for their sedative action which may be particularly helpful in the case of sleep disorders.

Keep your head with Kalms Lozenges

Kalms Lozenges are perfect for the modern, busy woman. They contain extract of the herb lemon balm widely used in Mediterranean countries to help keep you relaxed. Available in a handy blister pack, the lozenges are naturally flavoured with lemon and lime and can be enjoyed to at any time of the day.

Kalms Lozenges contain no artificial colours or flavours and are suitable for vegetarians (RRP £2.99)
You can also try these top 10 stress busting tips:

· Visualise a time when you were completely relaxed and happy – revisit it during stressful times

· Stop and think – often stress make us react without fully exploring our options

· Take ten – whether at home or work, ten minutes of fresh air will help you gain some perspective

· Be good to yourself – be your own best friend and reward yourself for working hard, even if it’s just a tasty cake and nice cuppa

· Go with it – often events occur that are out of our control, but try not to panic. It’s surprising how often good things come out of an unexpected situation

· Give yourself time – being late is a common cause of stress

· Just say no – it’s better than promising something you cannot deliver or will resent doing

· Keep it simple – do you really need eight different types of vegetable with your roast dinner?

· Smile and socialise with cheerful people. Happy people generate happy feelings

Have a laugh – call a friend and lighten the load. You don’t have to be miserable, even when you’re stressed!

Want more information, ideas and tips on how to keep Kalm and carry on? Then visit:

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