Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Closed Jamie At Home Free DVD Series in The Sun Newspaper Plus a Giveaway #20

I was asked to give my readers news of a marvellous promotion by The Sun and Buzz Magazine 

Jamie at Home ( Sorry not the man himself  just his DVD series) is a lovely series featuring recipes Jamie makes from produce made in his own garden.

From the 5th February: every day in The Sun you can collect a token to receive a free DVD. There are two episodes on each DVD so across the week you can pick up the entire series. The tokens are redeemable in Tesco on the day of print. The promotion starts in Buzz magazine on Saturday and will be in The Sun  for the rest of the week.

I am so pleased to be asked to review a set as I am a massive fan. Doubly pleased as I get to giveaway a set for my readers.
I actually entered to win a set on the lovely White Lily Green's Blog you can too if you hurry.
I told told her via the post and then tweets that he DMed me on Twitter a couple of times when I won one of his Friday Twitchins. I still have that tweet saved and on my mobile....ahhhh!

I have followed him from Naked Chef to Jamie's School Dinner, around Italy the US and most recently we have eaten our dinner to his 30 minute meals. Look up his Thai meal in 30 minutes amazing how many courses that man conjures up. He is as enthusiastic as he ever was and always inspires me to cook and experiment too.

The series covers some lovely recipes, Chris was recently give some rabbits so the very first DVD comes in handy for me.
Furred Game, Pastry, Leeks, Winter Veg, Eggs, Lamb, Asparagus, Peas & Beans, Strawberries, Summer Brassicas, Summer Salad and Rhubarb.
So the lovely Sun Buzz magazine is  free every Saturday in The Sun. It has TV listings, celebrity interviews and fashion and beauty articles all together in one great mag.

They are also on twitter and have some lovely giveaways on there,  but today they have also kindly offered you a Jamie  At Home set, this will be the same as the one I have, its the sleeved set of six, two episodes on each DVD.


I just want you to follow me and tell me something food related or just say Hi if you don't like food or talking.

Just please don't say "Enter Me" it makes me cringe!

Leave a contact, twitter or email so I can tell you

For a bonus entry comment on another post and please give me a tweet if you have time too.

UK only
Ends 08/02

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