Friday, February 4, 2011

Nature's Feast Review

Now you have see all my Valentines post and know I am gaga over the day of love and celebrate it every year. You possibly have if you read my posts also know I love the garden, campaign for the bees and strongly believe in looking after my feathered visitors.

So I wanted to tell you that as well as being a day of romance it is also a day to show love for the birds too as Nest Box Week starts on the 14th February 2011

Firstly I wanted to mention the fabulous bird food I was sent, I can only comment that my birds loved it I was sent Nature's Feast High Energy Supreme, I love that its no mess as I have a couple of feeding areas, all the seed husks can make quite a mess.

They sent me a very smart feeder to put it in. Its hard to see it here but its very high quality, the top lid is thick and sturdy, I have snapped the lids previously trying to get them off.
I put it out full of the new food and thought my birds would avoid it for a few days, anything new usually gets treated with caution. Twenty minutes later I had a chaffinch and a great tit land and grab a morsel then off.

Its been a busy feeding station ever since, birds do know the quality food I assure you.

I also feed on the windowsill I have a female blackbird who taps on the glass if the bowl runs dry, which it does if the starlings spot it.
I was trying to get pictures last summer and I was very lucky to have this little visitor land, before they realised they were probably supposed to be scared of me and was off.

For tips on feeding and purchasing please visit Nature's Feast

Nest Box Week is launched on Valentine's Day every year, with the aim of encouraging people to put up nest boxes to help protect wild birds, as many nesting sites are fast disappearing due to gardens and woods diminishing. By putting up a nest box in your garden, you can not only help with valuable conservation but you will also have the pleasure of seeing wild birds from the comfort of your home.

What you can do to help your wild birds

Now's the perfect time to put up a nest box in your garden in preparation for the nesting season. Nest boxes provide shelter and a place to breed and raise a brood for the spring and summer months. Place your nest box in a quiet, safe place away from any other bird boxes or tables to help protect them against predators and keep them sheltered from the elements. Preferably position your nest box between two and five metres up.
Nest boxes not only provide shelter for wild birds, but it is an activity that can involve the whole family. Eco-friendly, educational and an activity that won't peck away at your pocket, families can enjoy setting up their nest boxes and watching their garden wildlife to 'soar'.

Nature's Feast products freephone number  08000 939 123

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