Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dorset Cereals Good Honest Crunch

Now I have seen lots about these new cereals from Dorset they sounded scrummy and when I was asked if I would like to try them, I jumped at the chance, not just for me but for  Paige and Con who are in the first week of over a month of GCSE's.

I had a parents tips for helping students through exams and the first and obvious one is to get them to eat breakfast, as Dorset points out these new Good Honest Crunch are not bowls of healthy muesli, but a different sweeter breakfast.

The school also stated that now is not the time to argue about which breakfast they choose buy to ensure they eat something as its vital for energy levels.

The Good Honest Crunch have been good honest worry savers for me as Paige is not a breakfast fan, its hard to get her something she fancies, but has managed these, on most occasions eating them without milk, she is so like me.
Conor loves them eating for breakfast and on coming home from an exam.
For me when the house is quiet they have been a tasty treat the baked taste of the clusters are perfectly balanced with the fruits and the toffee.

On ‘non-muesli’ days we like to dance to a different beat and that’s where our new Good Honest Crunch comes in. Clusters of rolled oats with coconut, runny honey and a sprinkle of sugar baked until gorgeously crunchy and then added to strawberry and raspberry pieces, or how about with a hint of toffee and crunchy pecan nuts? Gloriously light, crisp and moreish, Crunch is perfect for those mornings when you crave something out of the ordinary.
Some ‘good to knows’ about Dorset Cereals Good Honest Crunch....... Absolutely no maltodextrin, salt or palm oil of any sort whatsoever.

Two delicious recipes....... Choose from ‘Strawberries & Raspberries’ and ‘Toffee & Pecans’.
Perfect at any time....... Serve with cold or warm milk for a delicious breakfast or just open the box and enjoy whenever and wherever you are.

Find them here....... Tesco and Waitrose stores.
For this much....... £2.59 for 375g box.

 For recipes, photos, competitions to win lovely stuff and news about simple pleasures go to

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