Monday, November 29, 2010



Feel great this Winter - feed your skin with NEW Nature’s Best Colladeen Visage…
Nature’s Best has developed NEW Colladeen Visage, to help preserve collagen by using ‘skin-loving’ ingredients.

Collagen is a protein that forms 75% of our skin and sustained ‘free radical’ damage leads to visible signs of lines and wrinkles, as the skin loses its elasticity. Lots of nutrients are needed to keep collagen healthy but increasingly research has focused on a class of natural plant compounds called anthocyanidins found in dark skinned fruits. Research shows that these compounds can help to reinforce and preserve collagen by literally blocking the action of ‘free radicals’ and other destructive enzymes called collagenases. Colladeen is one of the top selling anthocyanidin products in the UK and now Nature’s Best are launching NEW Colladeen Visage which contains even more beauty boosting ingredients**.
As well as a high level of anthocyanidins (at a level that matches published studies), nutrients called carotenoids have also been recognised as playing a protective role against the damaging effects of sunlight. Two particularly ‘skin loving’ carotenoids – plant-derived lutein and zeaxanthin found in dark green leafy vegetables – have been added to NEW Colladeen Visage. Plus a high level green tea leaf extract, a potent anti-oxidant known to combat the cell damage caused by free radicals. Few companies actually quote the anthocyananidin content of their product, giving just the weight of the plant material which gives no guide at all to potency.

Celebrities might be able to afford injectable fillers to replace the damaged collagen and create a ‘plumped’ out face, but they can end up looking ridiculous. NEW Colladeen Visage may be a far less painful and subtler alternative to support collagen levels from within. But should we really be popping a pill instead of applying creams?
“Moisturisers don’t always penetrate to the lower layers of your skin,” explains nutritionist Dr Sam Christie. “Colladeen can reach all the cells in the dermis – and quickly. The ingredients enter your bloodstream after 15 minutes. Women using Colladeen have reported less wrinkling in their hands, face and around the eyes. We can expect NEW Colladeen Visage to yield even more positive results.”

Nature’s Best Colladeen (£14.95 for 60 tablets, and NEW Nature’s Best Colladeen Visage (£17.95 for 60 tablets) contain one of the richest natural sources of anthocyanidins.

Both are available to order online or by phone 01892 552094. You can call 01892 552175 for free advice from one of Nature’s Best Nutrition Advisors.

I am all for trying natural methods to keep youthful and also have been told many times by my grandma what goes in must come out and this though creating laughs in the family was a great saying to live by when it comes to health.
I know I do like anti aging creams, lotions and potions  to accentuate the good and hide and repair some of the bad.
I also know that if I drink lots of water have a good diet and rest I am likely to keep my skin looking its best.
I also now have Colladeen Visage  to take,  it has  anthocyanidins which  literally means  "flower blue" and is present in dark fruits such as grapes.
These help plump out the skin, around the eyes, help skin, even improve wrinkling and is probably  alot better than going down the botox road.
I know that after a few days even though its cold and my skin doesn't usually look radiant at this time of year, I have a glow to my skin and my hands look smoother.

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