Thursday, November 18, 2010

‘YAZOO Review - The Healthier Drinks Choice for Kids’


I just made packed lunch and I think its pretty good, Paige has taken pesto pasta and Conor has a tuna and sweetcorn sandwich, both have a box of raisins, an apple each and a homemade cake.

Research recently published by the University of Leeds has revealed that only 1% of children’s lunchboxes meet the Government’s nutritional standards. My problem is drinks always has been with Paige she will drink water  but hates it when its warm, we do freeze it in summer to keep it colder but in winter it doesn't really defrost Thank goodness fizzy drinks are banned, not that they ever took them but the moans they don't have drinks like the others has gone,  fruit juice occasionally but again she likes it cold. She and Conor both adore milkshakes and I just found out they are accepted in schools. Not only that but they contain real fruit juice*.
With over 5.5bn packed lunches being eaten each year, this is a staggering amount of junk food that children are potentially consuming.

*Fruit Juice only applies to banana and strawberry flavour.

They taste delicious my two love them and at the moment on the Yazoo bottles there is a
chance to claim a free download  from Napster

YAZOO is not only low in fat, but it also contains less than 5% added sugar and is free from artificial sweeteners and preservatives. It’s not just what’s left out that makes YAZOO a healthier alternative to some other soft drinks, it’s packed with calcium and a good source of vitamin B.
With three tasty flavours to choose from including strawberry, chocolate and banana, there is something to suit even the fussiest of eaters!

According to health expert Dr Jennie Cockroft (Director of Nutrition at Purely Nutrition Ltd), ‘Many children’s drinks have been banned from schools and lunchboxes but because YAZOO contains real fruit juice, no artificial sweeteners or preservatives and less than 5% added sugar, your school will be happy for you to pop one in your child’s lunchbox to quench their thirst at lunch or break time. Not only that but you’ll be providing your child with a healthy calcium-kick at the same time’.

Why should kids drink milk?

• Milk is one of the best sources of calcium which is vital for healthy growth, strong bones and teeth

• Children between the ages of 7-10 years should get at least 550mg of calcium each day and a small 200ml bottle of YAZOO provides kids with 30% of their RDA , so there’s no tastier way of getting calcium into their bodies

• Milk is a great source of vitamin B which is good for making red blood cells and the formation of nerves
• Milk also contains protein which is important for muscles and body strength. A small 200ml bottle of YAZOO contains about 6g of protein and can make a good contribution to the daily protein intake kids need!
• Children who drink milk have comparable or lower BMIs compared to children who don’t drink it

• 500ml rrp £0.85 (available in strawberry, banana and chocolate)

• 4 x 200ml pack rrp £1.35

• 6 x 200ml pack rrp £1.99

• 1 litre bottle rrp £1.09

Due to the post below wondering about Gluten  I contacted Yazoo to ask about Gluten, they fabulously came back instantly with this reply and are happy to answer any questions. They also gave me permission to add the reply to my review.

Thank you very much for your enquiry about the gluten content of Yazoo. As you can see from the ingredients list and labelling on the Yazoo
bottle, the product does not contain any ingredients that contain gluten, however, we are unable to label the product as gluten free.

This is because we cannot absolutely guarantee that the ingredients used to manufacture Yazoo have come from a gluten free source without risk of cross-contamination.

 From the latest information available I can confirm that the factory producing 200ml Yazoo has no gluten containing ingredients on site but there is a gluten containing ingredient in the factory that produces 500g and 1 litre. Obviously all precautions are taken to prevent cross contamination with other products however for the reasons above we unable to guarantee products contain <20ppm gluten.

I trust that the information allows you to decide if Yazoo would be suitable, please dont hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further


Technical and Consumer Services Co-ordinator

So safe to drink the 200ml varieties for anybody with gluten intolerance!

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